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What is the meaning of the different circle colours on the device?

Somnofy circle colors show status and communicate important updates.

Orange Ring

Somnofy is not connected to the internet. Check your internet connection or update the Somnofy WiFi settings.

Red ring

Somnofy is analyzing your room. Make sure there are no moving objects in the room, then leave the room for two minutes to allow Somnofy to completely analyze the room. 

Blue ring

Somnofy is connected to the internet and waiting, ready to start observing your sleep.

Pulsating ring

Somnofy is detecting movement. This could happen for orange, red, or blue rings.

No ring

Somnofy has detected your presence and started a new session. The session will stop automatically after some time of no presence.

Orange light on the top

Somnofy is still in an ongoing session but has lost connection to the internet. Give it some time, it might be temporary; Somnofy will try to reconnect. Check your internet connection, router, etc.

Pulsating points

Somnofy is disabled, and will not start any sleep sessions. 

Pink progress ring

Somnofy is downloading software from the internet.

Green progress ring

Somnofy is installing new software on the device.