Placement and mounting

The correct placement of Somnofy is important in order to obtain the best possible sleep data

  • The Somnofy device should point towards the chest when the service recipient is in bed.
  • There must be a clear line of sight between the Somnofy unit and the service recipient. E.g. should avoid placing water bottles or furniture between Somnofy and the service recipient.
  • The Somnofy device should be left in the same place every night. This will ensure that the distance to the service recipient is constant and the measurements will be the best possible.
  • The Somnofy device should not be mounted on a wall where another person can lie and sleep on the other side of the wall.
  • Make sure the power cord is positioned so that it cannot be accidentally pulled out.
    Tip: Use strips to wind up the cable so that no one can trip over it.
  • The measurements can be affected if there are things that move (e.g. fans or curtains) in the measuring area of the Somnofy device.
  • The Somnofy device needs to know the maximum distance for the service receiver to be measured. This is the distance from the Somnofy unit to the far edge of the bed, or to the center of the bed if the service recipient shares a bed with another person. This distance must be set in the device settings.

Alternatives for mounting

Bedside stand (standard)

Wall mount

Ceiling mount

The recommended solution for service recipients who live in their own homes.

The recommended solution for rooms in health centers, institutions, and hospitals.

The recommended solution in cases where there is a risk that the service recipient will remove the Somnofy device if it is mounted on the wall or placed on the bedside table.

It is important that the recipient of the service receives information that it must be kept still and in the same place.

The very best location is if Somnofy is placed as close as possible to the bed and the service recipient's chest in the bed.

The measurements may be worse if the ceiling height is more than 3 meters.

Bedside stand

The bedside stand for Somnofy makes assembly unnecessary. To get the best possible measurements, the Somnofy unit should be 20-40 cm higher than the edge of the bed.

Wall mount or ceiling mount

For assembly instructions, view the articles «Mounting Somnofy on wall» or «Mounting Somnofy on the ceiling».